Traveling by Tuk tuk

Tuk Tuk or three wheel is common cheap way of transport in Sri Lanka. Some says “Bajaj” as it is the first brand to Sri Lanka from India.  Many foreigners find it easy and cheap way to travel short distance during their stay and it it’s open space allow them to view surrounding and some of them enjoy the wind flow while traveling.
Tuk tuk can be vary in decorations with interesting phrases in their back side and some of the owners customize their tuk tuk
There are two types of Tuk Tuk.
  1.  With meter ( mostly in Colombo) in famous cities and suburbs
  2.  Without meter (Sometimes in main cities too) and rural areas
 Tuk Tuk with meter is always best option to travel as you pay according to meter. However you can use the taxi app commonly used in Sri Lanka to hire your tuk tuk or a car ("hire1" OR "PickMe" mobile apps)
Tuk tuk without meter often lead them to say any price they like (Normally they will ask double the actual price for a foreigner) .

Few tips to follow
  Metered tuk Tuks: keep monitoring the meter (Meter says how many km and the price)  if it rotating high speed then that meter is not legal meter ( 99% meters are legitimate)
No meter Tuk Tuks: Calculate ruff distance to your destination and ask the price upfront. Never get in to these Tuk Tuk without agreeing the price for your destination.  You can always bargain with them and don’t be shy to do so.

  • Try the half price of what they say when you bargain the price. ( Most of drivers say actual price .) you can try few drivers and get an idea during your bargain.
  •  Most of them are friendly and helpful . If you doubt and feel uncomfortable then do not get in or you can get off. It’s always possible to find another one than risking yourself.
  • If you feel driver has drunk alcohol, never use that tuk tuk.
  • Tuk Tuk drivers can be reckless (Avoid as much as possible in night) .
  • Never get in to local fights or arguments. If Tuk Tuk driver is getting in to such situation then avoid him and get another one
  •  Avoid Tuk Tuk during election times in Sri Lanka.
  For Ladies
  •  Avoid them in night as much as possible unless you are traveling with your friends·
  • Don’t get too friendly with them while you are traveling and never share your personal information with them. Unless you are truly trusting.
  • If possible note down Tuk tuk number before you get in if you feel even slightly suspicious. (use your phone camera  and record a  video clip as you record city scene)
  • Use the Hire1 app OR PickMe app to get a taxi, these applications have full details of the driver and company which operates these apps take precautions & responsibility before hiring taxis and drivers.

For Mothers with babies
  •  Avoid Tuk Tuk as much as possible because it is not safe to travel with kids. No seat belts and sometimes reckless driving(If no other option then keep kids in the middle as possible and stay focus on what they do )
  •  Never allow kids to play with driver. (Control your kids as much as possible as Tuk Tuk is open space vehicle. Simple hard turn could throw your baby out of vehicle)

Majority of Tuk Tuk drivers are friendly and often respect foreigners. Above tips for that little minority and for your safety. In any emegency dial  emergency number  119 and report. (Sri lankan police give higher priority for foreigners and they are protected from long tradition of Sri Lanka)

 Wish you all safe journey and happy time in Sri Lanka !.
